With thanks to many writers who have mentored me over the years
Including (above): Elaine Bergstrom, Amy Waldman, Judy Bridges, Annie Chase
Links For Writers
Banff Centre for the Arts
Redbird Studios
Ragdale Foundation
The Writer
Low-Residency MFA program, Univ of British Columbia
Goose Lane Editions
Penguin Randomhouse, Canada
PEN Canada
Centre for Indo-Canadian Studies, University of the Fraser Valley
Extended Family/Friends
Westberry Farms, Abbotsford, WI

Shauna and her husband David Baldwin owned The Safe House, a hotbed refuge for spies in MKE to partake of crafty concoctions and furtive feasting. On Oct 19, 2016 there will be a celebration to mark the 50 years since David Baldwin (aka 0h-0h7) founded and designed this haven for Control’s spies.
Psst! The new Station Chiefs are ostensibly
from Marcus Corporation. But you know they work for Control. Can’t reveal anything further or we’d have to terminate you with extreme pleasure.
But Check out The Safe House…and shake your tail before you enter.